


Members: 3
Latest Activity: Jul 11, 2010

What is prayer?

Prayer is more than shooting request into outer space. Prayer is communication with God through Jesus Christ by which we express our dependence on Him. God knows what we need in our battle with the powers of darkness, and He is more ready to meet our needs than we are to ask. But until we express our dependence on Him in prayer, God may not act. In prayer we say, "You are the Lord, not I. You know what's best; I don't. I'm not telling You what to do; I'm asking." Prayer is a means by which God guides and protects His children.

Praying in the Spirit is God's way of helping us pray when we don't know how. The Bible says: "The Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us" (Romans 8:26). Helps (sunantilambano) depicts the Holy Spirit's role of coming alongside us in our condition of human frailty and spiritual vulnerability and bearing us to the other side of spiritual protection and victory.

We invite you to leave your prayer request below. The SpaceRods team would be honored to pray for you. May God continue to bless you in Jesus name.


Thank You, Lord in the name of Jesus Christ that prayer is such a powerful weapon in my arsenal against the powers of darkness.

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Comment by Edgar Fisher on July 2, 2010 at 3:29pm
Since I am a Pastor most people think I have it all together, I don't. I have stage four Cancer. Removed my right kidney but it spread to lungs. It is incurable. What keeps me going is every morning I borrow Gods Smile and his strenght,I thank him every night for a wonderful day and thanks for letting me have Cancer. Now I can really witness to others with love in my heart.. We all have 86,400 seconds each day. I am just more aware of how I spend my precious time. Phil.4:13
Peace and blessinghs
Comment by edward patrick mchale on July 2, 2010 at 11:49pm
You know pastor, I can't think of anyone I know that has it together. When God gave us choices, He knew what was going to happen. Choices are right and choices are wrong. We can't help it. Someone told me once that God has to have a sense of humor! I have told him my plans many times and I can hear His laughter every time. He knows when, where and how for each one of us. I kind of envy you, you know. You have a pretty good idea of when your time is. You know when you will be sitting at His side, asking Him all the questions we can only wonder about. Do you know what B.I.B.L.E. stands for? It stands for;
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. As a pastor, You have a leg up on most of us who have to stay behind and wait.
I will be praying for you that His will be done. Pat
Comment by Edgar Fisher on July 3, 2010 at 7:13am
Thanks Pat,
I too have heard God laugh when I told him my plans. I was completly blown away when I found this web site. Sal has some the most imaginative cars and choppers I have ever seen.
Comment by Edgar Fisher on July 11, 2010 at 2:08pm
Hi Brothers,
My wife and I flew to Connecticut to be with her family. Her kids Dad had a massive heart attack and coded twice. Thanks to quick acting paramedics they brought him back. Met with the family at the Hospital and heard all the predictions of doom and gloom. I just didn't feel in my spirit he was going to die. However all the medical evidence pointed that way. A heart too weak to withstand a bypass. Next thing I know I had everyone hold hands and pray and I stepped out in faith and announced Tony Sr. was not only going to live but go home soon. I told them to keep the faith and see Gods awesome power. I pleaded with them to believe.
PRAISE GOD! just like Peter I open my mouth and He has to bail me out but I was right. He started getting stronger and they put in two stints. he opened his eyes today and now the Doctors are talking of letting him go home soon. Please pray that I can get this family to understand medical science didn't save him but the one who died for his sins JESUS.
Fellows, I am weeping as I type this because I am so glad JESUS loves me enough to hear a prayer that was more braggin than anything. Our GOD is an awesome GOD.
Peace and blessings,
Pastor Chip aka vmaxdreamer


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